Embrace Your Golden Years with Golden Senior Care

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).
Golden Senior Care

Embrace Your Golden Years with Golden Senior Care

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

Lets you enjoy your retirement with the confidence that your future is protected

Golden SeniorCare

Building a solid and secure future for you and your loved ones has always been your main priority. Now that you are heading towards or could already be enjoying your retirement years, have you done enough to afford a worry-free life especially since you could enjoy greater longevity against a rapidly rising cost of living?

With Golden SeniorCare from MCIS Life, rest assured you are prepared to face the future.

Be it a plan you purchase for yourself or receive as a gift of love from your children, one thing is for sure, you can now live life to the fullest knowing that the benefit payable from the plan can help ease your loved ones’ financial burden in the event of any unexpected situation. But best of all, you can have peace of mind to celebrate life and live your dreams knowing that you are protected well into your golden years.

Golden SeniorCare Key Features
Death Benefit
Accidental Death Benefit up to 400% of Basic Sum Assured
No Medical Underwriting
Maturity Benefit
Limited Pay, Coverage for Whole Life
Emergency Cash for Unfortunate Event
Eligibility and Requirement
Entry Age
50 – 70 years old
(age next birthday)
Coverage Period
Up to 100 years old
Basic Sum Assured
Minimum: 1 unit
Maximum: 5 units
(RM10,000 per unit)

Premium Amount & Premium Paying Term (PPT)
The premium amount and premium paying term will depend on your entry age and gender. The premium amount also varies based on the number of units that you wish to purchase as shown in the right table:
Gender Entry Age (next birthday) PPT (years) Monthly Premium (RM)
1 unit 2 units 3 units 4 units 5 units
Male 50-55 12 65.83 119.50 174.08 229.42 283.08
56-60 9 88.17 161.17 239.58 313.42 386.00
61-65 8 100.25 189.42 279.00 369.00 458.58
66-70 6 134.75 255.75 378.00 500.25 622.50
Female 50-55 16 51.50 91.42 131.75 172.08 212.42
56-60 13 63.50 114.42 167.42 217.42 269.17
61-65 11 75.33 139.67 204.92 268.08 334.58
66-70 8 104.08 192.92 286.83 374.42 465.33
Note: The premium rates are level and guaranteed throughout the premium paying term.

Golden SeniorCare Benefits

Death Benefit

If death due to non-accidental cause occurs during the:

  • First 2 Policy Years – All premiums paid will be refunded without interest.
  • 3rd Policy Year onwards – 100% of the Basic Sum Assured less any indebtedness under the plan will be payable.

No Medical Underwriting

  1. Hassle-free with no medical underwriting required to take up Golden SeniorCare, subject to eligibility and financial underwriting.

Accidental Death Benefit

If death occurs due to accidental causes, the benefit payable is calculated as a percentage of Basic Sum Assured based on the attained age (next birthday) of the Life Assured at the time of death as shown below, less any indebtedness under the plan:

Age at Death (next birthday) Benefit (as % of Basic Sum Assured)
50 - 64 400%
65 - 80 250%
Above 80 100%

Emergency Cash For Unfortunate Event

In the event of death occurring from the 3rd policy year onwards due to non-accidental cause or accidental death, 10% of the entitled death benefit will be payable as an emergency cash to the beneficiary supported by minimal documentation. The remaining sum will be payable upon receiving the complete documentation as required by the Company.

Maturity Benefit

Upon maturity of Golden SeniorCare at age 100 (next birthday), 100% of the Basic Sum Assured less any indebtedness under the plan will be payable.

Limited Pay, Coverage For Whole Life

With Golden SeniorCare, you only need to pay premium until the end of the premium paying term, which can be as short as 6 years depending on your entry age and gender. Unlike most traditional whole life plans, there is no need to pay premium until the end of your policy term. In addition, the Basic Sum Assured will always be higher than your total premiums paid1. Upon the completion of your premium paying term, you can have peace of mind enjoying the coverage during your golden years until the age of 100 (next birthday).

1 Except cases where there are policy alterations.
Note: The product features above are not exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for more details.

Learn More

Golden SeniorCare is a non-participating, limited pay whole life plan which provides coverage for death up to 100 years old (next birthday). It provides protection against accidental death up to 4 times of the Basic Sum Assured to ensure that the benefit payable is sufficient to cushion immediate financial constraints that could be experienced by your loved ones, in the event something unfortunate happens to you. Your enrolment shall be subject to eligibility and financial underwriting, so you can take up this plan in a simple and hassle-free way. If you are blessed with longevity, you will be rewarded with a maturity benefit. In addition, you only have to pay premium for a limited period and your total premium paid under this plan is always less than the Basic Sum Assured.

Anyone aged 50 to 70 years old (next birthday) is eligible for this plan as long as they are not bedridden, able to walk without requiring physical assistance, mentally alert and able to communicate during the enrolment of this plan.

You can choose to pay your premiums yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.

Yes. You can surrender the policy anytime subject to a surrender charge on the guaranteed surrender value less any indebtedness as shown below:

Policy Month Surrender Charge (as Percentage of Guaranteed Surrender Value)
1 to 35 100%
36 onwards 20%

  1. The Death Benefit shall not be payable if the Life Assured dies by duelling, self-inflicted injuries or suicide, whether sane or insane within thirteen (13) months from the issue date or date of reinstatement of the policy, whichever is later.
  2. The Death Benefit shall not be payable if the Life Assured’s death is caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partially, by any pre-existing illness or disease as a result of or in any way associated with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any syndrome or condition of a similar kind however it may be named which is diagnosed by a licensed medical practitioner, doctor or surgeon.
  3. The Accidental Death Benefit shall not cover accidental death caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partially, by: assault or murder; riot or civil commotion, strikes or terrorist activities; self-destruction or any attempt threat while sane or insane; military or naval service in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders for warlike operations or restoration of public order.

Note: The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for further details of the exclusions.


  • The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for full details.
  • The product information provided on this website is for general information only and shall not be construed as a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure, Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for complete details of the product.