Customer Service Charter



We at MCIS Insurance Berhad (MCIS Life), are committed to provide protection for our people and their generation to come. Our mission is to help our people to secure their financial future by offering them preferred solutions and quality service.

We stay close to the essence of life insurance, which is all about helping one to help others. This led to the birth of our brand promise, People Helping People (also #PeopleHelpingPeople). Upholding our fundamental principles is essential to fulfilling our commitment to People Helping People, to the greatest extent possible. This cultivates dependable, compassionate, and courteous connections with our clients, inspiring us to consistently assist in safeguarding their future, while maintaining a forward-thinking and inventive outlook.

We are committed to serving the needs of all our customers under one roof, guided by our Charter which is outlined based on the fours pillars of service standards and our commitment to Treating Customers Fairly. We want to thank you for choosing our service and for your continued support. Your insights and suggestions are invaluable in helping us improve and tailor our services to meet your needs. Together, we can continue to provide exceptional customer service that meets and exceeds your expectations. Please share your thoughts or experience through any of our feedback channels as it allows us to further enhance our customer service and ensure your utmost satisfaction.

Customer Charter

The Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) has launched the revised Customer Service Charter (CSC) for Insurance industry. The Charter was first introduced in 2011 which was aimed at underscoring the insurers’ commitment to deliver a consistent high standard of customer service. This revised Charter takes it a step further by introducing certain minimum industry standards with regards to turnaround time for specified services. There are four (4) pillars of services standards under the charter as follows:      

Offer an active engagement model wherein our customers are aware of:

  • Multi-channel options and accessibility for purchase and enquiry
  • Where and how to provide feedback, and to complaint

For more details, please click here

To understand our customer profile adequately which enables us to:

  • Know and anticipate our customer’s needs and preference.
  • Ask for requisite information and documents to best advise our customer.
  • Offer suitable products and services.

For more details, please click here

Deliver a seamless service wherein our customers are aware of:

  • Our responsibilities towards the customers.
  • Expected service standard and time taken to deliver these services, i.e. time taken to answer enquiries / resolve complaints.
  • Where and how to obtain information required i.e. product features and costs.

For more details, please click here

Deliver a seamless claims processing and settlement experience wherein our customers are aware of:

  • Procedures, documentation and steps including various options (if any) for first notification of loss in an event of a claim.
  • Expected service standard for claims processing and specific time taken for each step within the claims processing stages.
  • Various redress mechanisms for unsatisfactory claims payment.

For more details, please click here


A. Our insurance products are easily accessible to our customers via various channels, physically and virtually for obtaining information, making purchases or enquiries:

  1. We offer an active engagement model where our customer will be made aware of:
    • Multi-channel options and accessibility for making purchases and enquiries.
    • Where and how to provide feedback, suggestions and complaint.
  2. Reinforce that insurance is easily accessible via various channels, physically and virtually.
    • Our customers are kept informed on the physical and engagement channels available for them to purchase products or to make enquiries.
    • Specifically, we give you easy access to the following:
      • An insurance agent locator.
      • A list of customer engagement channels, i.e. corporate website, self-service customer web portal and customer contact centre.
  3. Social media
  4. We will inform you of the channel availability which may vary from time to time.

B. We actively seek feedback, suggestions or complaints on how we can serve you better

  1. Our customers are provided with available channels to provide feedback and suggestions via:
    • Corporate website (
    • Self-service customer web portal (
    • Customer Contact Centre (+603 7652 3388)
    • Branch (link of list of locations at
    • Email (
    • Fax (+603-7957 1562)
    • Letter addressed to :
      • MCIS Insurance Berhad
        Wisma MCIS, Jalan Barat,
        46200 Petaling Jaya,
        Selangor Darul Ehsan
  2. Insurers will conduct periodic customer satisfaction feedback/surveys to ensure that customers’ needs are fulfilled.


A. We strive to help you find the right product that suits your needs

  1. We ensure that knowledgeable and ethical staff and agents are available to serve you.
  2. Training
    • We ensure that our employees and intermediaries are properly trained on products and services offered.
    • Trainings are provided any time a new product is launched. We also run refresher courses on existing products regularly.
  3. In order to understand your profile and needs adequately, we:
    • Listen to you attentively.
    • Acknowledge and properly understand your needs and preferences.
    • Ask for requisite information and documents to advise you accordingly and in accordance with the Industry’s Code of Practice on the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.
    • Offer options of suitable products and services to meet your needs and wants.
  4. Any options provided to you shall be explained and on an “opt-in-basis”, e.g. riders, sharing/using your information for marketing and research purposes.
Note: Handling of customer information is governed by Bank Negara Malaysia’s Policy Document on Management of Customer Information and Permitted Disclosures and insurers shall operate accordingly.

A. We set clear responsibilities to you as our customer and uphold it

We have a standard commitment on clear responsibilities which is written in our Customer Service Charter and it covers the following guiding principles:
  1. A clear and concise objective of the Charter.
  2. Mission: We are people helping people secure their financial future by offering them preferred solutions and quality service.
  3. Values that we provide to you, such as fairness, transparency, integrity, ethics, professionalism, timeliness.
  4. Efficient/effective communication channels.
B. We set clear expectation on time taken for various services

To allow our customers to have a clear expectation on time taken for various services:
  1. Delivery of Services: - Information on turnaround time on delivery of services is made available in the Customer Service Charter through various channels (head office / branches / customer contact centre / website).
  2. Standards to be adopted: -
    • Serve Walk-in Customer Promptly:
      • Customer Waiting Time: Within 10 minutes.
C. We ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner
  1. We will inform you of each step and documentation required to alter, renew, surrender or cancel a policy, e.g. what happens when there are changes to the policy, notice on renewal, etc. as well as the consequences arising from any of these actions.
  2. We will remind you to inform us of any changes in the risk before renewal, via the renewal notice we issue to you.
  3. We comply with the standard operating procedure that has been set in all our dealings with you.
  4. We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner as outline in Table A and Table B below;


Target Service Levels Life and Health*
Issuance of Policy for New and Existing Customer
  • Standard cases – within 5 working days
  • If any Additional information required / pre-existing medical condition / complex cases – within 10 working days
Non-financial related Changes to Policy
  • Within 3 working days
Financial-related Changes to Policy
  • Standard cases - within 5 working days
  • Non-Standard cases – within 10 working days
Reinstatement of Policy
  • Within 10 working days (with payment & complete documentation)
Issuance of Renewal Notice for Policy
  • For policy with guaranteed renewal, premium due notice will be issued not less than 30 calendar days before the next premium due date
  • Notification of Revised Premium to renewable basic term policy / term rider will be issued not less than 30 calendar days before the expiry of existing policy / rider
Cancellation/surrendering of policy 10 working days upon receipt of full
documents – including processing of refund premium
Issuance of medical card Within same business day of policy issuance

*Policy Account Turnaround Time (from receipt of full documentation, information, and payment of premium).


Target Service Levels Life and Health*
Policy Issuance (upon acceptance in the policy system) Life Insurance – within 10 working days (applicable for individuals only, not applicable to group)
Change of policy details / endorsement (upon acceptance in the policy system) Life Insurance - within 5 working days
Reinstatement of Policy Within 10 working days (with payment & complete documentation)
Renewal notice issuance 30 calendar days before expiry of existing policy
Cancellation/surrendering of policy 10 working days upon receipt of full
documents – including processing of refund premium

*We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner.

Note: The timelines above do not take into account onboarding process – insurers have their own onboarding process/introduction to its products and services.

D. We are open and transparent in our dealings

You will have easy access to the following information which is made available through various channels of communication such as branches / brochures / customer contact centre / website:

  1. Product related details, i.e. product features, product disclosure sheets, terms and conditions, key facts and exclusions will be shared at the point of sale.
  2. Fees, charges (other than premiums), and interest (if any) as well as obligations in the use of a product or service.
  3. Free Look Period
    • The free look period starts from the date you receive your new policy document.
    • If you decide to cancel your policy, you have 15 days from the date you first received the policy document to do so. Please write to the company to confirm your intention to cancel the policy.
  4. Terminating Your Policy to Purchase A New Policy
    • You tend to lose out when you lapse or surrender an existing policy, even if it is to replace it with another (by the same or a different insurer) because of the following reasons:
      • The new policy usually comes with a higher premium because it is based on your current age.
      • You may need to pay an extra premium or may even be denied coverage if there are changes to your health profile.
      • In most medical and critical illness policies, the waiting period (the duration when no claim is payable) resumes from the policy issue date or reinstatement date, whichever is later.
    • Instead of replacing your policy, we advise you to review your coverage so that it meets your financial and protection needs. Exercise your right to keep your financial objectives on track and be wary of undue influence from any party to terminate your existing policy.
  5. Premium Payment
    • For your convenience, we recommend that you sign up for electronic payment facilities that are currently available.
  6. Your Personal Information
    • We are committed to upholding the security and confidentiality of your personal information provided to us.
    • Your personal information will only be used by MCIS LIFE authorized personnel in the course of processing and administering your insurance policy.
    • Your data will never be shared with another party that is not authorized by MCIS LIFE to process or administer your policy.
  7. Comprehensiveness and Transparency in Product Information
    • We are also committed at all times to ensuring that all information and disclosure of our products and services are fair, accurate and comprehensive. As such, we shall not engage in deceptive, misleading or false representations with regards to our products and services.
  8. Anti-Fraud Statement
    • MCIS LIFE adopts a zero-tolerance approach to fraud and expects all employees, insurance intermediaries and third parties to act with honesty and integrity. We are committed to fraud controls with an emphasis on proactive prevention, putting in place detection measures and clear reporting procedures in our effort to minimize any possibility of fraud.
    • MCIS LIFE maintains a legal and ethical climate in its business environment which encourages all stakeholders to protect the Company’s assets and reputation and raise any suspicion of fraud. Thus, when a fraud is detected, suspected or alleged, we are committed to undertaking a detailed investigation on the matter. We will work closely with the relevant authorities to ensure that justice is served and will implement measures to recover as well as to minimize losses.

E. We follow through and provide answers / updates to your queries & complaint

  1. Phone
    • Where no follow-up is required, we will attempt to resolve the matter during the first call (first call resolution).
    • Where follow-up is required, we will do so within 3 working days from the date of the first call.
  2. Written (Email or Post)
    • Email - We will acknowledge receipt of your email within 1 working day and respond within 3 working days. If more time is required to resolve your enquiry, we will advise you on the expected timeline.
    • Letter/Fax - We will respond to your letter/fax within 3 working days from the date of receipt. If more time is required to resolve your enquiry, we will advise you on the expected timeline.
  3. Counter/Branches
    • Where no follow-up is required, we will attempt to provide first contact resolution immediately.
    • Where follow-up is required, we will do so within 5 working days from the date of the first visit.
Note: Where an enquiry is complex, we will provide a reasonable timeframe and keep you updated.

F. We ensure consistent and thorough handling of complaints.         

  1. You shall be informed of the various options for submitting a complaint through available channels. For MCIS LIFE Insurance, customers can channel their complaints to: 
    • Complaints Handling Unit
      Wisma MCIS, Tower 1, Level 1,
      Jalan Barat, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
      Tel: +603 7652 3388
  2. We will conduct a verification process when we communicate with you.
  3. We will communicate clearly on the issue and gather adequate information so that an informed resolution can be made.
  4. We will address the issue in an equitable, objective and timely manner by informing you of our decision no later than 14 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the complaint.
  5. If the case is complicated or requires further investigation, we will inform you accordingly and provide updates every 14 calendar days. If it is not resolved, we will provide updates within another 14 calendar days. Thereafter, after every 30 calendar days.
  6. We will keep you updated if we are unable to address issues within the stipulated timeframe.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the decision of the Company, you may submit your complaint to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) or to the Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS). For more information, please click here.
Life Insurance Claims
>Ombudsman for Financial Services
Where a complaint involves a Life insurance policy/Family Takaful contract, the claim should not exceed RM250,000.00.

> Bank Negara Malaysia
For any complaint directed to Bank Negara Malaysia, the claim should not exceed RM500,000.00 except if the complaint refers to the quality of service and/or unfair handling of a claim.

Following are the contact details:
Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS)
An independent body set up to settle disputes between customers and financial services providers.

Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS)
(Formerly known as Financial Mediation Bureau)
Level 14, Main Block,
Menara Takaful Malaysia,
No.4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603-2272 2811 Fax: +603-2272 1577

Bank Negara Malaysia Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK)
A complaint resolution arm of BNM

Mailing Address
Bank Negara Malaysia
P.O. Box 10922
50929 Kuala Lumpur.

Telephone 1-300-88-5465 (1-300-88-LINK)
Overseas: +603-2174-1717

Facsimile: +603-2174-1515

E-mail Address

BNMLINK Operating Hours
9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (Monday – Friday except public holidays)

Physical Visits
BNMLINK will receive visitors by appointment only.

A. We set clear timeline for claims settlement process and strive to settle claims within these prescribed timelines and in a transparent manner.

To set clear timeline for claims settlement process and strive to settle claims within these prescribed timelines and in a transparent manner by adopting the following procedures:
  1. We will inform you of the estimated time taken for claims settlement process and the expected service standard through various channels (i.e. branches / customer contact centre / website / email).
  2. Customer service staffs will acknowledge the claim documents upon submission at counter. This is the approach currently used by claim department.
  3. We will ensure that our agents forward all claims submitted through them to us within 3 working days, except for crime related claims which should be notified within 24 hours from the time of loss.
  4. If documentation/information is incomplete, we will inform you within 14 working days from the acknowledgement of the claims.
  5. We will advise you on the key claims procedures including the appointment of adjuster, claims assessment etc, and also the assigned timelines.
  6. We will update you on the progress of the claim every 14 working days. We will inform you of the decision once it is finalized.
  7. In the event of a catastrophe / disaster we may receive a large number of claims, as such, meeting the timelines stipulated may not be possible. We will aim to provide updates every 20 working days.
B. We provide information to you on the next level of escalation if the claims settlement or rejection is not to your satisfaction
  1. We will provide you with available channels for you to appeal on a decision or for you to raise disputes (i.e. branches / customer contact centre / website / email).
  2. If any claim is not approved or the amount is not the same as what you have claimed, we will advise you to refer to the procedure for making an appeal through the Financial Ombudsman Scheme in cases that are within their purview. For more information, please click here.

The Chairman, the Board and senior management is committed to deliver good financial consumer outcomes to our customers. We believe in building long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with our customers. This Charter specifies our commitment to provide the highest standards of fairness in all our dealings with our customers.

To protect the interests and financial well-being of our customers:
  1. We commit to embed fair dealing into our institution’s corporate culture and core values
    • We set reasonable standards on fair business practices in all dealings with our customers. This includes providing financial services or products suitable to our customers’ financial circumstances and preserving the confidentiality of our customers’ information;
    • We train all staff and representatives attending to customers to provide quality advice and recommendation;
    • We take customers’ feedback seriously for continuous improvements of our processes and customer experience.
  2. We commit to ensure that customers are provided with fair terms
    • We ensure that the terms in our contracts or agreements are fair, transparent, and well communicated to customers;
    • We ensure that terms and conditions set out the respective rights, liabilities and obligations clearly and as far as possible in plain language;
    • We ensure that the terms and conditions in contracts or agreements are not altered without prior notification to customers.
  3. We commit to ensure that customers are provided with clear, relevant and timely information on financial services and products
    • We will provide customers with relevant and timely information in a product disclosure sheet;
    • We will disclose key product features, fees and charges, risks and benefits in a clear and concise manner;
    • We will ensure critical terms are brought to customers’ attention and explained to the customers.
  4. We commit to ensure that our staff, representatives and agents exercise due care, skill and diligence when dealing with customers
    • We will conduct sales, advertising and marketing of our financial services and products with integrity and will not make false or exaggerated claims;
    • We will avoid or clearly disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest;
    • We will ensure staff remuneration takes into consideration whether key performance indicators relating to fair treatment of customers have been achieved.