Protecting your loved ones by securing your tomorrows with M-Fortune Link

M-Fortune Link

Protecting your loved ones by securing your tomorrows with M-Fortune Link


The investment-linked insurance that offers protection, peace of mind, and a secured financial future.

M-Fortune Link is a regular premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP) designed to provide protection and security for both you and your loved ones in the future. This plan is customised to align with your age and lifestyle, and it provides a range of optional riders to enhance your overall protection and security.

Moreover, M-Fortune Link offers an affordable protection and investment opportunities that secures a brighter tomorrow with personalised plans to suit your age and lifestyle.

Choosing M-Fortune Link assures you of comprehensive protection, safeguarding your financial future and granting you peace of mind as you look forward to a more secure tomorrow.

The M-Fortune Link Benefits

Death Benefit

Basic Sum Assured and Account Value is payable upon death of the Life Assured due to any cause.

Maturity Benefit

Account Value is payable on the maturity date.

Compassionate Benefit

RM5,000 is payable in the event of death of the Life Assured.

Three (3) Years Guaranteed Coverage

The Policy and its attachable riders (if any) will continue to be in-force within the first three (3) Policy Years even though the Account Value is insufficient, subject to terms and conditions.

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit
  • Basic Sum Assured is payable upon TPD of the Life Assured prior to attaining age seventy-five (75).
  • The maximum TPD Benefit payable is RM 8,000,000 per life under the Policy and all other life policies issued by the Company.
Auto-Extended Policy Term
  • The Policy Term will be auto-extended from Life Assured’s age eighty (80) next birthday up to age one hundred (100) next birthday. The coverage term of attached rider(s), if applicable will also be auto-extended up to the maximum coverage term of the riders.
  • Policy Owner may request to mature the Policy at age eighty (80) next birthday by request in writing thirty (30) days prior to the Policy Anniversary where the Life Assured’s age eighty (80) next birthday. The Policy will then mature at age eighty (80) next birthday. Any request to change the coverage term back to age one hundred (100) next birthday is not allowed after the Auto-Extended Policy Term has been disabled as requested by Policy Owner.

The M-MedPro Benefits

Elevate your sense of security today by protect your tomorrow with M-MedPro, offering comprehensive medical protection.

Second Medical Opinion
Post-hospitalisation Treatment
(includes Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Unlimited Overall Lifetime Limit
Outpatient Cancer Treatment & Kidney Dialysis Treatment

More details can be viewed in the brochure

The M-MedEssential Benefits

Safeguard yourself and your loved ones against life’s uncertainties through comprehensive medical coverage.

Daily Cash Allowance at Government Hospitals
(up to RM1,000)
Unlimited Overall Lifetime Limit
Outpatient Cancer Treatment & Kidney Dialysis Treatment
Home Nursing Care

More details can be viewed in the brochure

Types Of Funds Available

M-Fortune Link is not a Shariah-compliant product. However, Jati Fund, Titan Fund and Global Yakin Fund invest in Shariah-approved securities and will continue to do so.

For more information about the funds mentioned above, kindly refer to the Fund Fact Sheet.

Fund Fact Sheet
MCIS Life Income
MCIS Life Balanced
MCIS Life Jati
MCIS Life Dividend
MCIS Life Equity
MCIS Life AsiaPac
MCIS Life Global
Yakin Fund
MCIS Life Titan

Learn More

M-Fortune Link is a regular premium Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP), which offers a combination of protection and investment elements to the Life Assured with Auto-Extended Policy Term, whereby the Policy will be auto-extended from Life Assured’s age eighty (80) next birthday up to Life Assured’s age one hundred (100) next birthday.

This plan is available to individuals at the minimum and maximum entry age as per the table below:  

Minimum entry age Maximum entry age
30 days 70 years old (Age Next Birthday)

The minimum yearly regular premium is RM1,200. However, it may vary depending on your coverage and underwriting requirements of the Company. 

You may attach various unit deducting rider(s) to this plan. Our agents will be pleased to recommend suitable riders to cater to your needs. 

You can keep track of your unit prices via 

Insurance Charge  The Insurance Charge varies depending on the age next birthday, gender, Basic Sum Assured, occupational class, and the medical rating, where applicable. It also increases as Life Assured get older. 
Policy Fee  RM6 per month for all payment mode. 
  1. Withdrawal Charge 

  1. Fund Switching Charge 

  1. Top-Up Premium Charge 

  1. Surrender Charge 

No fee chargeable. 

Notes: All the fees and charges are not guaranteed, and the Company reserves the right to revise these charges by giving Policy Owner ninety (90) days prior written notice. 

You can choose to pay your premiums yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.  

Yes, the premiums paid for this plan may qualify you for a personal tax relief, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia. 

The Policy provides an Auto-Extended Policy Term whereby the Policy will be auto-extended from Life Assured’s age eighty (80) next birthday up to age one hundred (100) next birthday.

For example, Michael is a male non-smoker, age 30 of standard health. He wants to get protected by purchasing M-Fortune Link with coverage amount RM75,000 for himself with the optional benefit of M-MedEssential (Plan 150, RM300 Deductible).

He selects AsiaPac Fund and initially chose to pay yearly premium of RM3,500 whereby based on our estimates of future outcome, his Policy is expected to have sufficient balance to pay for Insurance Charge and Policy Fee up to his age eighty (80) next birthday.

Alternative 1 

He may request to mature the Policy at age eighty (80) next birthday by request in writing thirty (30) days prior to the Policy Anniversary when he attains age eighty (80) next birthday. The Policy will then mature at age eighty (80) next birthday. Any request to change the coverage term back to age one hundred (100) next birthday is not allowed after the Auto-Extended Policy Term has been disabled as requested by him. 

Alternative 2  

He chooses to auto-extend the Policy from age eighty (80) next birthday up to age one hundred (100) next birthday. Based on our estimates of future outcomes, his Policy is expected to have sufficient balance to pay for Insurance Charges and Policy Fee up to his age eighty (80) next birthday. We may prior to his age eighty (80) next birthday, request an increase of premium to ensure the Account Value is sufficient to cover the Insurance Charge and Policy Fee up to his age one hundred (100) next birthday. The yearly premium that Michael needs to pay from age 30 next birthday until age 79 next birthday is RM3,500. Subsequently, from age eighty (80) next birthday up to age ninety nine (99) next birthday, the yearly premium that is payable will be RM7,340.

Michael may also choose Alternative 3 as shown below whereby he chooses to pay a yearly premium of RM3,860 throughout the Policy Term.

  Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Policy Term Duration Coverage up to age 80 next birthday Coverage up to age 80 next birthday + auto-extension up to age 100 next birthday Coverage up to age 100 next birthday
Yearly Premium Payable1 RM3,500 payable from
age 30 next birthday to
age 79 next birthday

RM3,500 payable from
age 30 next birthday to
age 79 next birthday
RM7,340 payable from
age 80 next birthday
to age 99 next birthday2

RM3,860 payable from
age 30 next birthday to
age 99 next birthday2
1 This is the estimated yearly premium that you have to pay under different alternatives. It is calculated based on the sustainability projection.  

2 In the event this premium is higher than the premium under Alternative 1, the difference between this premium and the premium under Alternative 1 will be Regular Top-Up Premium. 

The premium paid by you will be divided into allocated premium and unallocated premium.  

Allocated premium 

This amount is used to purchase units in investment-linked funds of your choice. 

Unallocated premium 

This amount is used to pay commissions to intermediaries and the Company's expenses. 

The following table shows the allocation rate for regular premiums: 

Policy Year Percentage of Regular Premium (based on Age at Commencement Date) (%)
60 and below 61 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
1 60 62 64 65 68 70 71 72 73 74 75
2 60 62 64 66 69 70 71 72 74 74 75
3 60 62 64 66 69 70 71 72 77 80 85
4 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 82 83 84 85
5 80 82 83 83 84 85 86 87 88 88 90
6 80 82 85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 90
7 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 100 100
8 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 100 100 100 100
9 95 95 95 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100
10 and above 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Regular Top Up Premium (RTUP) / Investment Top-Up Premium (ITUP) 

Policy Year Percentage of Premium (%)
All Years 95

Death Benefit  

This plan shall not cover death caused directly, wholly or partially as a result of duelling, self-inflicted injuries or suicide, whether sane or insane within thirteen (13) months from the Policy Issue Date or date of reinstatement of the Policy, whichever is later. 

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit  

This plan shall not cover any disability caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly by any one (1) of the following occurrences: 

  • attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries or self-inflicted illness while sane or insane; or 

  • military or naval service in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders for warlike operation or restoration of public order; or 

  • entering, operating or servicing, riding in or on, ascending or descending from or with any aerial device or conveyance except while the Life Assured is in an aircraft operated by a commercial passenger airline on a regular scheduled passenger trip over its established passenger route; or 

  • an opportunistic infection or a malignant neoplasm if at the time of disability, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is present in the Life Assured. 

Note: The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for full details of the exclusions. 


  • The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for full details.
  • The product information provided on this website is for general information only and shall not be construed as a policy of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure, Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for complete details of the product.