Safeguard Your Employees with SME Care+

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit
SME Care+

Safeguard Your Employees with SME Care+

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit

A comprehensive employee benefits insurance plan that offers life and medical protection to safeguard your workforce.

Running a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) and looking for coverage for your employees? SME Care+ is the right group insurance plan for your small business.

A small business’s term life and health insurance for employees don’t necessarily have to be two separate policies. SME Care+ gives you the choice of having both, to fully protect the well-being of your workforce. 

After all, studies have shown that happier employees are more engaged, leading to as much as 20% increase in productivity and thus potentially better profits for the company. Source:

So, Why Choose SME Care+?

SME Care+ Group Insurance Benefits
*Terms & Conditions apply. Please refer to the MCIS Life SME Care+ product brochure for more details.
*Subject to the selected MCIS Life SME Care+ scheme

Insurance benefits for employees are easy and accessible with flexible coverage choices at a guaranteed premium for 2 years. SME can effortlessly offer cashless medical care to their staff without the need for underwriting.

By prioritising the health and wellbeing of your employees, SME Care+ stands as the best option for your staff to thrive in a secure and valued environment. This ensures peace of mind both in their personal lives and at work.

Advantages for Employers and Employees

Encompassing Group Term Life (GTL) and Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS) coverage, a group insurance plan for small businesses like SME Care+ is beneficial to both employees and employers. Here’s how:
  Employer Employee
Group Term Life (GTL) Scheme Boosts employee morale while saving cost via more efficient administrative processes compared to individual plans. Provides strong financial backing for your family if you pass away or are unable to work due to a disability.
Optional Benefits
Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) Benefit Instill peace of mind and encourage employee productivity with an additional layer of protection. Enhances the sum assured payable in the unfortunate event of death, dismemberment, or disablement resulting from a covered accident.
Additional Critical Illness (ACI) or Accelerated Critical Illness (ACCI) Benefit Enhances the sum assured payable in the unfortunate event of diagnosis of a covered critical illness.
  Employer Employee
Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS) Scheme Helps employees experience faster recovery, thus ensuring productivity and growth. Gives financial help if something unexpected happens with your health, making sure you're supported when you need it most.
Optional Benefits
Outpatient Clinical (OPC) Benefit Encourages employees to participate in preventive healthcare practices, fostering a healthier workforce. Reimburses the employee for outpatient medical expenses incurred from GP or SP services.

Freedom to Diversify Your Protection

With SME Care+, you have the autonomy to select from a range of combinations:

Group Term Life (GTL) accompanied by its array of optional benefits
Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS) coupled with its supplementary benefit
• The dynamic duo of Group Term Life (GTL) and Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS), with all optional benefits

Diversity thrives within our offerings, presenting you with an array of schemes to match your exact requirements. This allows you to curate the ideal group insurance plan for your business.

What benefits does SME Care+ offer?

Group Term Life (GTL) Scheme Benefits

Benefits Plan Type (RM)
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6
Group Term Life Scheme
  • Death (all causes); or
  • Total & Permanent Disability (all causes); or
  • Partial & Permanent Disability (all causes), whichever is earlier
50,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 500,000
Terminal Illness 50,000 100,000 150,000
Repatriation As charged, up to 100,000
Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment 50,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 500,000
Additional Critical Illness 50,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 500,000
Accelerated Critical Illness 50,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 350,000 500,000

Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS) Scheme Benefits

Benefits Plan Type (RM)
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6
Hospital Room & Board (Limit per day and up to 180 days) 100 200 300 400 500 600
Intensive Care Unit (Maximum 30 days) As charged, subject to Reasonable & Customary Charges
In-Hospital Physician Visit (Limit up to 180 days)
Hospital Supplies and Services
Surgical Fees (post-Surgery care is within 60 days following Discharge)
Operating Theatre Fees
Anaesthetist Fees
Ambulance Fees
Daycare Surgery
Emergency Accidental Outpatient Treatment - including Emergency Accidental Outpatient Dental Treatment (Maximum 60 days from date of accident for follow-up treatment)
Pre-Hospitalisation Specialist Consultation (Within 60 days preceding Hospitalisation)
Pre-Hospitalisation Diagnosis Services (Within 60 days preceding Hospitalisation)
Second Medical Opinion (Within 60 days preceding Hospitalisation)
Post-Hospitalisation and Daycare Surgery Follow-up Treatment (Within 60 days following Discharge)
Home Nursing Care (Maximum 180 days per Disability)
Organ Transplant (Once per lifetime)
Outpatient Dengue Fever Treatment
Outpatient Cancer Treatment
Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
Outpatient Physiotherapy Treatment (within 90 days following Discharge)
Goods and Services Tax
Medical Report (per disability) 150
Miscarriage Benefit (due to all causes) 1,000
Alternative Treatment (for Accidental cause only) (Limit per visit and up to 12 treatment per policy year) 150
Intraocular Lens (Limit per lifetime) 3,000
Daily Cash Allowance at Government Hospital (Maximum 180 days) 100 200 300 400 500 600
Annual Limit 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000
Funeral Expenses 10,000

Learn More

SME Care+ is a non-participating yearly renewable employee benefits insurance scheme which is specially designed to provide comprehensive protection for your employees.

You may choose to purchase any of the following combinations:

  • GTL and its optional benefits: ADD, ACI and ACCI
  • GHS and its optional benefit: OPC
  • GTL, GHS and their optional benefits

There are multiple plans for you to choose from, giving you the flexibility to choose the type and amount of coverage required to protect your valued employees.

  • Any SME with a group size of 3 to 250 employees at inception may purchase SME Care+.
  • GTL is applicable to employees only and GHS is applicable to employees and their dependants (spouse and children).
  • Eligible ages: Age Next Birthday (ANB)
Life Assured Employee/Spouse Children
Minimum Entry Age 16 ANB 15 days
Maximum Entry Age 65 ANB 19 ANB or 25 ANB if in full time tertiary institution
Maximum Renewal Age 69 ANB 19 ANB or 25 ANB if in full time tertiary institution
Maximum Expiry Age 70 ANB 19 or 25 attained age if in full time tertiary institution

  • Maximum sum assured allowable for GTL and optional benefits is RM 500,000 per Life Assured within SME Care+.
  • No underwriting for GHS and OPC.
  • Free Cover Limit (FCL) for GTL and optional benefits as below:
i. Employee sizes of 11 and above (11 to 250 employees)
Benefits FCL Amount (RM)
Group Term Life Scheme (GTL) 500,000
Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) 500,000
Accelerated Critical Illness (ACCI) 500,000
Additional Critical Illness (ACI) 150,000
ii. Employee sizes of less than 11 (3 to 10 employees)
Benefits FCL Amount (RM)
Group Term Life Scheme (GTL) 50,000
Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (ADD) 50,000
Accelerated Critical Illness (ACCI) 50,000
Additional Critical Illness (ACI) 50,000
Note: Simplified underwriting is applicable for cases that exceed FCL and the underwriting decision is on an accept and decline basis.

Employees of the same employment level must be enrolled in the same plan. For example:

Employment Level GTL and optional benefits* GHS and optional benefit
Senior Manager GTL: Plan 6

ACI: Plan 6
GHS: Plan 6

OPC: Plan 4
Executive GTL: Plan 3

ACI: Plan 3
GHS: Plan 4

OPC: Plan 2
Clerical GTL: Plan 1

ACI: Plan 1
GHS: Plan 3

OPC: Plan 2

*If you choose to add any one of the optional benefits, the optional benefits’ plan must be same as GTL.

The premium is guaranteed only for the first two (2) policy years. If you had previously purchased SME Care+, MCIS Life reserves the right to revise the premium, decline the application or alter the terms and conditions of the policy.

The renewal premium payable from Policy Year three (3) onwards is not guaranteed. MCIS Life reserves the right to revise the premium applicable at the time of renewal, by giving you at least sixty (60) days prior notice.

The coverage is for one year and you will need to renew it annually for continuous protection.

You have to pay a pro-rated premium to enrol the new recruits and for the resignation of an employee, you will receive a refund of the pro-rated premium.

Subject to MCIS Life’s consent, you may change the scheme/benefit/plan for all employees of the same employment level only upon policy renewal.

Any change of scheme/benefit/plan due to movement between different employment levels is effective on the date of such movement.


  • The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for full details.
  • The product information provided on this website is for general information only and does not tantamount to a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure, Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for complete details of the product.