Daily cash equivalent to 100% of the Sum Assured will be paid for each day the Life Assured is hospitalised due to an illness. This allows you to receive treatment with peace of mind for a speedy recovery.
Daily cash equivalent to 200% of the Sum Assured will be paid for each day the Life Assured is hospitalised due to accidental causes. This helps cushion the shock and ease the unexpected financial burden on your loved ones.
Daily cash equivalent to 300% of the Sum Assured will be paid for each day the Life Assured stays in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This gives you the means to cope with the escalating medical costs, acting as an additional provision medically and financially.
This plan does not have any cash value as it is meant to be a pure protection plan. You are purchasing this directly from MCIS Insurance Bhd, a licensed insurer under the Financial Services Act 2013, regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.